Better Call Saul Following the events of Breaking Bad, Saul Goodman is living under the assumed name Gene in Omaha, Nebraska and managing a Cinnabon. One night a… B April 07, 2018
Blindspot Season 03 When Jane Doe is found naked in Times Square with her memory erased and her body covered in fresh tattoos, Agent Kurt Weller and his FBI team are … B November 12, 2017
Blindspot Season 02 When Jane Doe is found naked in Times Square with her memory erased and her body covered in fresh tattoos, Agent Kurt Weller and his FBI team ar… B November 12, 2017
Blindspot Season 01 When Jane Doe is found naked in Times Square with her memory erased and her body covered in fresh tattoos, Agent Kurt Weller and his FBI team are … B November 12, 2017
Blade Runner 2049 In 2049, bioengineered humans called replicants have been integrated into society, mostly as servants and slaves. A Nexus-9 replicant named &… B November 10, 2017
Bosch Season 03 As the pilot opens, Bosch is tailing a suspect. Eventually cornering him in an alley, Bosch shoots the suspect when he reaches in his pocket. The… B November 03, 2017
Bosch Season 02 As the pilot opens, Bosch is tailing a suspect. Eventually cornering him in an alley, Bosch shoots the suspect when he reaches in his pocket. The… B November 03, 2017
Bosch Season 01 As the pilot opens, Bosch is tailing a suspect. Eventually cornering him in an alley, Bosch shoots the suspect when he reaches in his pocket. The… B November 03, 2017
Beyond Season 01 A young man wakes up from a 12 year coma to discover new abilities that come to propel him into the middle of a dangerous conspiracy. Beyo… B October 25, 2017